Getting started

Welcome to Diode!

The Diode App is a secure collaboration tool that protects your information and communications - we are glad you are trying it out!

Getting Around

The app has three main parts:

  1. Zone Selector - the bar on the far left shows the Zones you belong to. You can click a Zone icon to go to the Zone or click the + button to add a new Zone,
  2. Quick Access - The black bar to the right of the Zone Selector shows key information and controls for the current Zone. On mobile, this is full screen.
  3. Content Area - The white area contains the content you have navigated to - for example, a chat, files, or options for the Zone.

After signing up, the page you will land on is the About Page for your Zone - the About Page is displayed in the Content Area. You can edit it or turn it off in the Options menu.

Here is a short video overview:

How Do I

Chat with other people

Create group chat channels

Share files and pictures

Access the Internet from another region

Take secure notes

Publish a decentralized webpage

Backup files

Edit the About Page

Access a remote server or piece of equipment

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