Diode App Introduction

The Diode application (aka Diode Drive) is a new take on messaging, file sharing, and secure web access. It combines all of the security and privacy of a local network, with the convenience of everywhere access for remote teams. It is a privacy-focused alternative to Slack, Discord, and Dropbox - and one that can replace your VPN!

Unlike other communication platforms, there are no centralized servers in the middle - neither Diode nor any third party has access to your data or configurations. This ensures total privacy, enables compliance with regional/regulated requirements, and reduces the potential for attack on your information.

Here is a short video overview: https://vimeo.com/905420979

To get going:

  1. Install the App
  2. Read the gettting started guide

Please send feedback via email to support@diode.io or via our telegram channel!

Getting-started articles:

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