Although the Diode App is a decentralized messaging / chat app that doesn't need a chat server, a Zone with just a few team members will often benefit from having a "Bot" as part of the Zone in order…
Diode Drive can turn your Raspberry Pi into a decentralized file server and backup device - one that is much more secure than cloud-based alternatives, and one that is always available no matter wher…
Follow the three steps below to get up and running on Linux (Raspberry Pi/ARM shown below).. Download. Download Diode Drive for Linux - pay attention to the Linux variant (x86, ARM, 32/64 bit) to ens…
Information about the Diode App - a privacy-focused alternative to Slack that is more secure than VPN.
78 articles by 4 authors
Articles about the Diode Command Line Interface tool
7 articles by 3 authors
Top level documentation category for Diode Network topics
3 articles by 1 author
Projects and quick use cases
15 articles by 3 authors
Working with a Raspberry Pi with the Diode Network
8 articles by 2 authors
Frequently Asked Questions
67 articles by 2 authors
Diode Vaults are pre-configured hardware systems that interoperate with the Diode Network and other Diode software.
7 articles by 1 author
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