Diode API Docs
Enabling the Diode API
This API runs on every Diode app instance, and is disabled by default.
The API is device-wide. To enable the API on your device:
- Open the Diode app (version 1.10.7 or later)
- Navigate to any Zone and any Channel, it doesn't matter which Channel
- Send the following chat command to the Channel:
/sysconfig remote-api enable
- Next, a token will need generated. To generate a token, send this chat command:
/sysconfig remote-api generate-token
- To view the newly generated token, use this command:
/sysconfig remote-api view-token
- The API is now enabled device-wide and a token has been obtained. The device is now ready to accept API requests by whoever has the token. Here are some other helpful commands:
- Regenerate Token (Note: This will replace the previous token):
/sysconfig remote-api generate-token
- Disable API:
/sysconfig remote-api disable
- API Status:
/sysconfig remote-api status
- API Version:
/sysconfig remote-api version
- Regenerate Token (Note: This will replace the previous token):
Calling the API (HTTP)
A valid request is an HTTP POST request containing the following two headers and a JSON-RPC 2.0 payload.
There are two ways to reach the API endpoint:
- Via the Diode Web2 Gateway (most convenient, use anywhere):
- Direct via Web3 (most secure, requires web3 pipe between caller and device where the API is enabled):
chat command to any Channel.Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>
JSON-RPC 2.0 Payload Format:
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"<method>","params":["<param1>", "<param2>", ..., <paramN>], "id":N}
Curl Example:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <bearer_token>" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"<method>","params":["<param1>", "<param2>", ..., <paramN>], "id":N}' https://<device_address>.diode.link/api/json_rpc
/sysconfig remote-api template
/sysconfig remote-api example
Calling the API (WebSocket)
To use advanced methods such as "subscribe_channel", the WebSocket API can be used. Once connected, the WebSocket payload must contain a valid JSON-RPC 2.0 method call. Authentication is done via the "authenticate" method when calling the WebSocket API . Once authenticated successfully, any method can be called.
Like the HTTP API, there are two ways to reach the WebSockets API endpoint:
- Via the Diode Web2 Gateway (most convenient, use anywhere):
- Direct via Web3 (most secure, requires web3 pipe between caller and device where the API is enabled):
Here is an example of a python script calling the API via WebSockets.
API Methods
chat command to that Channel. The "zone_id" and "channel_id" will be printed out, amongst other helpful information. Passing a bns name (such as a Diode username) as the "channel_id" is also valid."ping"
Success Response
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"The RPC endpoint has been successfully contacted.","id":1}
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"send_message","params":["<zone_id>", "<channel_id>", "<message_text>"], "id":1}
Success Response
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"Message sent","id":1}
"subscribe_channel" (WebSocket only)
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"subscribe_channel","params":["<zone_id>", "<channel_id>"], "id":1}
Success Response
Incoming Message(s)
"attributes": {
"mentions": <peer_address>,
"reply": <unix_timestamp>,
"t": <hex>
"creation_time": <unix_timestamp>,
"edited_at": <unix_timestamp>,
"group_id": <channel_id>,
"message": <string>,
"reply_to": <message_object>,
"sender": {
"address": <sender_hex_address>,
"domain": <sender_bns_name>,
"nickname": <sender_nickname>
"subscribe_all_channels_in_zone" (WebSocket only)
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"subscribe_all_channels_in_zone","params":["<zone_id>"], "id":1}
Success Response
Incoming Message(s)
# Same format as the "subscribe_channel" function.
"authenticate" (WebSocket only)
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"authenticate","params":["<bearer_token>"], "id":1}
Success Response
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"Authentication successful","id":1}