
Diode App version 1.9.4 was released on February 2, 2024.



  • Chinese (traditional) translation

Bug Fixes:

  • File capitalization sync error
  • Mention popup shows immediately


Chinese (traditional) translation

Thanks to a community collaborator, we now have a Chinese translation of the app! The current translation is traditional characters (Taiwan / Hong Kong), but simpilfied is on its way! If anyone would like to contribute to the simplified character translation (or other languages), please contribute at https://crowdin.com/project/diode-drive/zh-CN!

File capitalization sync error

We fixed a file conflict problem that sometimes occurred when a file was renamed only with a capitalization change. It turns out that Linux and MacOS have different filesystem behaviors when it comes to identical files in the same folder that have different capitalization of certain letters. This would sometimes cause different systems in the same Zone to create a file conflict which could result in data loss.

Mention popup shows immediately

The @mention popup in chat messages now pops up immediately when typing "@". Before, it took typing the first two letters to show the list of matches.

How did we do?

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