
Diode App version 1.10.0 was released on February 09, 2024.



  • Private chat channels
  • File encryption in private chats and DMs
  • Enable file backup for 0 byte writes

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix: Double checks not showing up immediately
  • Improvements to chat and file sync reliability


Private chat channels

Diode has had secure direct messages and secure public channels for some time, but the public channels included everyone in the Zone. We've now added private channels so that group chats can be created that only include certain Team Members. This will help large Zones segment their conversations better!

Currently in beta and available in Enterprise Zones.

File encryption in private chats and DMs

Any files that are added to private chat channels or direct messages are now encrypted so that only the members of the chat can see the files. In the past, we popped up a warning that any file added to a DM was stored in the Zone files where others could see them. That is no longer the case - files can be shared in private channels and DMs without worrying about others being able to access the files.

Enable file backup for 0 byte writes

If you use the file backup feature, we added a backup condition on a 0 byte write (in addition to the normal backup-upon-delete). This provides an extra layer of protection for when the contents of a file are accidentally deleted, although the file itself is still there.

Fix: Double checks not showing up immediately

There was a UI glitch that caused the double-check marks on a sent chat to not show up immediately when another person read the message. Fixed now!

Improvements to chat and file sync reliability

We made a number of improvements and fixes to chat reliability. These had to do with keeping connections with other peers alive and in ensuring the delivery of encrypted packet even when the sending peer goes offline.

How did we do?

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