
Diode App version 1.9.1 was released on January 18, 2024.



  • Updated About page links
  • Improved bookmark configuration

Bug Fixes:

  • Removed emoticon dependency on external library
  • Forced flash message URLs to open in system browser


We added a link to the Diode App versions (this article's parent category!) and also updated the "Intro" link to the Getting Started article.

Improved bookmark configuration

The use of bookmarks is growing as more and more people are using Diode to replace VPN usage. To support this, we've condensed the bookmark types that a Zone owner or admin may experience when setting up bookmarks for their team members.

Removed emoticon dependency on external library

We missed a Web2 dependency in an emoticon library - it was loading emoticons real time from the external dependency. We've cauterized that now and emoticons are no longer dependent on being online or being able to access the external Web2 CDN.

Forced flash message URLs to open in system browser

Some links in flash messages were opening in the in-app browser instead of the system browser. This has been fixed so that there are no app-imposed limitations on those browsing sessions.

How did we do?

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