
Diode App version 1.10.6 was released on March 12, 2024.



  • Default Brave bookmark
  • Windows: Bring app to foreground upon startup
  • API: Subscribe to all channels

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed duplicate folder being displayed in non-sync mode


Default Brave bookmark

New tunnels created for the Brave browser now get a default "What's my IP?" bookmark so that the user can quickly check their Internet exit location. This will be shown in the bookmarks bar when opening a new tab (cmd-t, ctrl-t):

or when clicking the OS Bookmark menu:

Windows: Bring app to foreground on startup

Windows often loads Diode in a taskbar group that sometimes makes it hard to find. Based on user requests, we've decided to always load the app window on Windows upon startup so that it is easy to find and access. If the new Windows binary package is installed from the website, this release also supports pinning the Diode icon to the task bar (the auto-update will not support pinning, the app must be updated from the installer).

API: Subscribe to all channels

The API now supports a method to subscribe to all channels. This allows chat bots and integrations to be created that mount on a user's direct messages - any DM from any other member can now be subscribed and responded to!

Fixed duplicate folder being displayed in non-sync mode

Certain systems would sometimes suddenly show a duplicate folder when in non-sync mode. This was a cosmetic display issue and has been resolved.

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