
Diode 1.11.15 was released on July 2, 2024.


Bug Fixes:

  • Activity check not active
  • Team member list re-orders unexpectedly
  • Full listing of large directories


Fix: Activity check not active

The activity icon in the header was non-clickable in the "checked" state - the link was broken in the previous release. This has now been fixed.

Fix: Team member list re-orders unexpectedly

The Zone setting areas that lists the team members would sometimes re-order unexpectedly. However, in the case that a specific team member(s) were selected, the selection would not follow the team member, it would remain selected on the same row, thereby selecting the wrong team member. This could be destructive if the Admin/Owner then clicked "Remove Member" - they could potentially remove the wrong member. This has been fixed.

Fix: Full listing of large directories

Directories with >50 files were not listing the full contents in the application's file browser. This has been fixed.

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