What can I do with the free version of Diode Drive?

Diode offers a free version of Diode Drive for individuals to use. Our goal with the free version is to make the system as functional as we would want to use for our own personal use (and we do use it all the time!).

We don't have a cap on the number of drives you can deploy as a user. Nor do we have a limit on the number of collaborators you can invite as "peers" to each drive. Nor do we have a limit on the amount of data that is stored or shared.

With these capabilities, the free version of Diode Drive is a great fit for the following (and more) use cases:

  • Keeping a backup / mirror of confidential computer files
  • Sharing files amongst your family members
  • Collaborating with event planners
  • Sharing pictures with event attendees or followers

When your use of a given drive grows beyond these use cases and requires more advanced features typically required in commercial settings, the drive can be upgraded to support those features.

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