README: Active Programs and Terms

If you are interested in helping the team at Diode in its mission, the Diode Bounty Program is for you! See the "Active Bounty Programs" list below for activities we are sponsoring.

The Diode Bounty Program was made to extend the Diode team's reach through the community for things like promoting Diode's capabilities, helping find bugs in the technology, and for contributing to R&D projects. Bounties are paid out per a Diode Bounty Program's specified bounty when a participant achieves a goal set forth in the given program. 

Active Bounty Programs

The programs in this list are currently eligible for bounties:

Terms and Conditions

The Diode Bounty Program (the "Program") is being offered to individuals and organizations participating in the Diode ecosystem (Participants) in order to highlight certain desirable ecosystem projects / activities.

Bounty Programs

Each active Bounty Program is listed in the Active Bounty Programs list above, and has an article dedicated to it under the "Bounty Programs" category. Each Bounty Program article specifies its Name, Description, Goal(s), Goal(s)-bounty, and other information pertinent to the program.


Bounties are sent, in the form of DIODE tokens, to a DIODE address specified by an Eligible Participant who has completed one or more Bounty Program goals that have goal-bounties associated with them.

Determination of the level of completion of a given goal, and hence the attribution of a bounty, will be done with best efforts based on the given Bounty Program details, but the final decision on attribution of a bounty is solely Diode's purview.

Bounty Program Eligibility

Only Bounty Programs listed in the Active Bounty Programs are eligible for a reward.

If a Bounty Program is de-listed from the Active Bounty Program list, any subsequent submission is not eligible for a bounty.

If a Bounty Program is changed, any subsequent submission is subject to the changes in the Bounty Program.

Participant Eligibility

Eligible Participants must be in good standing in the Diode ecosystem, must act in good faith to fulfill both the spirit and the letter of the goals of a given Bounty Program, must not be a full time team member of Diode, and must not be engaged in activity directly competitive or harmful to Diode.

Additional eligibility requirements may be specified in a given Bounty Program.

Questions, Support, Disputes

Questions, support, or disputes regarding the Program, or a specific Bounty Program, should be directed to the Diode Telegram channel:


The Program makes no assumption of value of DIODE tokens - tokens are allocated with respect to availability, likely Program durations, level of Program interest to Diode, and other specific and arbitrary measures.

By participating in a Bounty Program, a participant agrees to these Terms and Conditions. However, nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed to create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative, or employment relationship with a Participant.

Unless authorized in writing, a Participant must not make any license, contract, agreement, warranty, or representation on behalf of Diode, or to create any obligations, expressed or implied, on behalf of Diode except to the extent and for the purposes expressly provided for and set forth in this Program.

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