
Diode 1.11.4 was released on April 30, 2024.



  • Show Zone ID in Zone settings
  • Reduce sign-up steps
  • Make joining a Zone faster
  • Show animated loading circle on buttons
  • Reduce energy consumption

Bug Fixes:

  • Force Android to open audio files in system app
  • Windows direct message images show inline
  • Fix signup confirmation checkbox
  • Use percent for Android "Initializing Zone" progress banner


Show Zone ID in Zone settings

The Zone settings area now shows the Zone ID for Admins and Owners of the Zone. The Zone ID can be used to publish IT, OT, and other web assets to the Zone's perimeter, thereby giving Zone Team Members tunneled access to the asset.

Reduce sign-up steps

We've simplified and removed the steps in the sign-up process.

Make joining a Zone faster

In the past, when a user joined a Zone, clicking on the newly created Zone would sometimes take 10 or so seconds to open the Zone. We've addressed that and clicking on a new Zone icon now immediately takes you to the Zone.

Show animated loading circle on buttons

If a button is clicked that requires a lookup or processing, an animated "loading" circle is now shown to give the user feedback that the click has been registered but is in process of loading.

Reduce energy consumption

We've reduced the processing of encrypted messages so that the app doesn't use as much energy.

Force Android to open audio files in system app

The underlying Android sub-system has a bug for system playback of audio files from isolated processes. To work around this, the app no longer renders audio file playback in-app for Android - it requires opening the file in whatever system audio app is configured.

Windows direct message images show inline

Windows systems had a bug that showed a "broken image" placeholder for any images that were sent inline in direct messages. This has been fixed.

Fix signup confirmation checkbox

The confirmation checkbox on the backup code page in the sign up process required the user to click twice. It now only requires a single click.

Use percent for Android "Initializing Zone" progress banner

Switched the "Initializing Zone" banner from a progress bar to a percentage for Android to fit portrait screens better.

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